It’s been a long journey, (probably longer than necessary due to the Xingke arc) but it’s finally over. The ending doesn’t come as a huge surprise. Although I do have some personal disappointments (poor Kallen ;_;), it was as a whole better than I had expected. Spoilers ahead.
She finally stops being annoying
Lelouch has to resort to using Geass on Nunnally, because he lacks the physical strength to pry the Key of Damocles from a wheelchair-bound defenceless little girl. After successfully asserting his dominant role as the tough big brother, he enters the whole I-am-evil routine.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me I wasn’t the main character!?”
The episode goes into the pre-programmed “give everyone his/her allocated airtime to angst and reflect on the past” sequence, during which Kallen kicks Suzaku’s ass, and Orange and Loli have some weird chemistry going on between them, which is totally wtf.
With Damocles under his control, Lelouch declares himself ruler of the world. He rounds up all the people who opposed him and sets up a kinky public parade to probably execute them or something.
Lee Harvey Oswald or Claus von Stauffenberg?
Zero makes a sudden appearance and kills Lelouch. The world goes wtf, and the end! What a shocking ending! The crowd goes wild!
Okay, so Zero is really Suzaku in disguised. This is all part of Lelouch’s plan for world peace. The world rallies around Zero and everyone is happy and wears black suits! Woohoo! And Lelouch survives too.
The anguish!
As I said, it’s not a bad ending. It’s rather grand and exciting, but it sort of doesn’t give the feeling of satisfaction for some reason. Like how Nunnally realizes too late that her brother is a Good Guy, and how Kallen will now forever be single because she can’t help but compare every guy she meets with her memories of Lelouch, and touch herself at night in naughty ways while looking at his photos.
The South shall rise!
Kallen and Suzaku repeat their whole debate over violent rebellion versus working peacefully to improve the system from within. This is rather like the American Civil War. Do states have the right to unilaterally reject federal laws that they perceive to be unconstitutional, and to secede from the Union if they feel that their rights are not being protected? Is armed struggle a valid option? So I guess what I am saying is that the Black Knights are like the Confederacy, except they aren’t white supremacists; they are black.
She stole Nunnally’s crane
As for Lelouch, I’m pretty sure he survives. I mean, I realize that C.C.’s closing remarks are intentionally vague, but they do strongly suggest that she is having regular sex with Lelouch on haystacks while travelling around rural Japan. Furthermore, from a point of common sense (which doesn’t always works in anime but whatever), if the technology exists to resurrect Orange, to let Sayoko act as Lelouch’s body double, and to build a gigantic orbital space station that can flatten the world, then surely there must be some way for Lelouch to fake his public death?
Separation of church and state
Perhaps Lelouch’s Geass reached its final stage and now he’s invulnerable (or however this Code Geass gibberish works). This means that he probably gave Suzaku the power of Geass, which makes sense if you consider the fact that Suzaku has to somehow conceal his identity as Zero from the entire world, a feat Lelouch managed only with the use of Geass.
IANACGEBIPOOMB (I Am Not A Code Geass Expert But I Play One On My Blog), but assuming my wild conjecture is true, then this means that Lelouch and C.C. have the rest of eternity to get tired of having sexual intercourse while lying on dead plant materials and awkwardly fumbling each other’s unclothed body.
Poor Kallen is pretending to be happy :(
I’m sure there are people who wish to disagree for the sake of it, but my personal interpretation of the ending is that Lelouch is alive with C.C., which I think is rather unfair to Kallen. Can’t they at least bring her along for a threesome? :(
“Lelouch… You know it to be true. I am your sister!”
“Do I stand a chance against her physical might?”
There were eleven states in the Confederacy. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Rapist attack
She fights him off with karate
“Oh noz. I am teh useless”
Dramatic lighting
I want an Eternal Storage too
Something goes in there
Princess Leia
They are all Europeany now
The greatest congregation of racial stereotypes in the show
This guy takes his nickname too seriously
I spent the last two days trying to memorize the entire history of the United States for SAT II. My brain is on the verge of exploding. There ought to be laws against forming political parties that share the same name with ten billion other parties in the past. Let’s make it the 28th Amendment. You can call it the Protect Our Children’s Sanity Bill.
Whether or not a third season of CG is happening I couldn’t say, however to cast a light on Oct. 5th as a screening date for Ep. 26 of CG R2, well, Gundam 00 series 2 is coming out that day. Considering both series are Sunrise productions, it raises serious questions with me on the validity of claims concerning an R2 ep 26 on the 5th.
Amnestic- comment 151:
That doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be included as an extra, say, as an audio drama or a picture drama in the upcoming box sets. However, I would like to see an episode, like an aftermath, that explains what happens next.
It was a good ending and it wouldn’t be too bad to let it stand as is, since open endings are so popular nowadays, but if they could at least show what the world is like after Lelouch’s “sacrifice” that would also be awesome.
On another note, I wouldn’t want a third season. I mean, we know the nature of geass, there’s apparently only 2 geass givers (Lelouch, since he’s immortal now and C.C.), who I doubt would give out geass because of their experiences and because geass’s only purpose is for the immortals to die (which I wouldn’t think they would want, now that their together). Also, what can they do? World peace is solidified, geass is non-existant, Kallen is going out with Gino and Xingke is dead. There’s nothing left to act upon, thus it would be pointless and stupid to have another season.
This was a great series as are most animes that actually have an ending. like a few of my favs: deathnote, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist etc. I hope he was driving the cart as-well but then again Lelouch was a king that deals in absolutes. If he were to be spotted by anyone then the formation of his “Ideal World” could have failed. We could also put the perspective in that if he were seen, then he would have to use his Geass on them or kill them. And there is nothing peaceful about that at all. Nonetheless i absolutly enjoyed this series and although i never want to see something so tear jerking ever again, I cannot wait for another series like this one. Well done Sunrise, Well done.
True enough, I was just raising the point that it’s highly unlikely to occur on the 5th.
Code Geass yep is a great series alright, the only thing tat make me angry is the Charles and Marianne thing….. it cannot be how the writer want it be for sure, must be something more
after all tat mystery in season 1 and what happened well…is just a a family tiff over some misunderstanding, a bit too lacking i think. =.=
let hope we see a OVA of Xing Ke and others soon
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If they do an OVA, I hope that it is at least 45 min. to 60 min. long because 30 min. would suck.
if there is a 26 eps i odubt it will be serious but the possiblity is still there. frankly i hope the rumor is true but…. and if there is a 3rd season it wouldnt be about lelouch. Nightmare of nunnally. that would be it.
I don’t think that there would be a third season that would take place after R2. The 3rd season might take place after Season one with an alternate universe version of R2, the vision that the creative staff had wanted. The second season that we saw was the “Not As Planned” version due to the changes that they were forced to make in order to bring in new viewers. They were dissatisfied with R2 overall because they had wanted to tell the to the same late night audience. So if they get to do another Code Geass series, it will be the alternate universe version of the R2 that they had envisioned.
Nightmare of Nunnally is a non-canon story, that wasn’t created by the staff of the TV show.
Let’s forget all about Lelouch or any of his family. What I want to know is “WHERE THE FUCK GEASS COMES FROM? And don’t give me this from the code bearer crap!
The writers could have easily devoted this entire R2 season to the origin of the Geass and the history behind it. Instead they rushed thoughout this entire series, which left it was one big mess. I just couldn’t understand it at all. They destoryed the Geass Cult in Turn 14, along with V.V. death, which was quite pathetic. They finally bring Marianne into the scene, only to kill her off. It was so unnessary from them to do so. And the Emperor Lelouch and Zero Requiem was way over the top. The last 13 episodes are simply preparing a loaded gun and slowly turning it towards your heart. Once you pull the triger, your dead. And that is what happened to Lelouch.
For Gundam Seed Destiny, it ends with Lacus being the chairman of ZAFT and Kira being the highest ranking officer under her direct command. (something like that) It doesn’t end with Kira shooting the ZAFT Chairman Gilbert Durandal. Its a special edition episode.
Gundam Seed Destiny movie trailer… finally… after so many years.
So Athrun haven’t decided whether he wants Calgali or Meyrin? -_-
And Stella isn’t dead yet? -_-
Gundam Seed Eternity-Episode 1 Two years have passed ever since the war in Gundam Seed Destiny. Peace have restored till Lacus Clyne the chairwoman of PLANT was assassinated. Chaos then began as it created unrest in the people of PLANT. Kira Yamato was very agitated when he found out that Lacus is dead. He swore to find the murder. And that’s how the war began again with an unknown force planning to take over PLANT. While in Orb, the new main character could be seen learning how to use mobile suits.
Gundam Seed Eternity-Episode 2 Two years have passed ever since the war in Gundam Seed Destiny. Peace has restored. Until Cagalli, the Orb’s representative disappeared into nowhere. Someone mysterious then took over her role and started to wage war with the other countries. What has happened to Cagalli and now that this person took over the role, what’ll happen to Orb?
Gundam Seed Eternity-Episode 3 The Earth Alliance has returned with main character, Kei Minato and starts to attack the other countries. Both Orb and PLANT tries to stop it from invading but fails too. Kira Yamato had no choice but to go to war once again but this time, with Shinn Asuka and Athrun Zala. They finally defeat the Earth Alliance but as an unknown force approaches them, what’ll happen to Kei Minato who is part of it?
ok, so..they are makin’ another that is real? I’m talkin’ about Gundam SEED xDDD, cuz they didn’t announce anything about it in the chart of new series, movies, and ovas for fall season o__ó..and call me crazy, but if what comment 165 said is the plot..OMG..xD
I can’t believe that this awesome anime ended! I absolutely hated the ending (yet loved it) because Lelouch ‘died’– and poor Suzaku, living the rest of his life as Zero. I dunno whether it was really Lelouch driving the cart with C.C, but either way, I thought it was really sad that Kallen didn’t end up with Lelouch– she hooked up with Gino, but still…
There goes my hope that the ending would be with everyone living happily ever after– but ironically, everyone DID live happily ever after, with the exception of Lelouch and Suzaku.
This ending reminded me of Death Note, with Light Yagami dead, and the world returning to normality. Death Note and Code Geass are both awesome animes– can anyone recommend me an ongoing anime that are similar to Code Geass? You know, teenage hot bishonen with some kind of power? XD
…quite shocking.
gundam 00 or… thats it
naruto is not that good after the cool one got killed
bleach mabye
i just wanna give creits to some characters, specially with tamaki and orange, tamaki is really a stupid character but beforehand when he joined the resistence he was trained to speak in “the peoples voice” therefore he spoke what the general population was thinking. We just thought he was stupid, but it was his job to speak that way, What he spoke was how peole viewed zero, how people thought of zero. like when the black knights switched sides, tamaki was like “wtf, why did we switch sides so suddenly with such htred i mean thats what we want right?” tamaki was zeros best supporter with which he was awed by the quick rush to switch sides.
as with orange, hs actually one of themost tragic characters, orange was actually a man of great worth a man of glory and pride and he lived up to prove it, that is why zero’s humiliation of him he just simply couldnt live anymore that is why when he got orange back the first thing after being revived by death i mean fuckin you just gotback from eath and you’re able to think that way? in that on episode wher he got revived after being dead for we dont know how long he remembers this. “good morning to you it was” how the fuck does a person even think of such a tight ine to say when waking up from death. and remember hes on the the few that actually avoided death when we thoght he was going to die so many times.
omigod. I freaking loved this anime…and I love your summeries, too. The whole concept of lulu gaining ultimate geass power and surviving along with CC…perfect.
I don’t think this was mentioned yet.
Thoughts, DM? You seemed pretty set on having an immortal lovers ending, heh. This probably won’t make you reinterpret the ending, but for me who swayed between acceptance and hopefulness, I think it’s easier to think it was really final now. It was a nice end either way.
I think it’s better if the rest of the story is like this: Lelouch live again after death because he get immortallity power like C.C. from kill his father. The power activated because he almost dead. He wake up in the grave. (His geass power dissappear in the change of immortallity) His friend found out about it not long after he back to live. He tell them all thing that happened. His friends understand and want to help him. But he choose to leave and travelling with C.C to find a cure for their immortality and success to find it after 3 years travelled. He appearance didn’t change ( he will still young and handsome ) (^_^) because immortal power and after he get the cure, he and C.C began to grow up again. Change his name and indentity and his appearance a little with his friends help ( maybe change his hair’s color become black and put contact lens to change his eyes color become blue ) XP. He come back to his friends and live happily with his sister and friends ever after and take back the role as zero and help his sister to govern. Suzaku change his appearance and indentity, too, like Lelouch. They will become best friend forever. HAPPY END!!! :D How about my story….? Maybe I should try to write it become a novel. (^_^) He…he…he….
How great I’m enpressive
Whoa… finally got the chance to actually finish watching this awesomeness… Fuckin anime is fuckin epic!!!
Love the story, love the ending, midway through the series, i can’t help but think how the hell they gonna end this series being so twisted that seemingly beyond repair…
Well, the end is not really unexpected, but in a way, it brought a sweet ending to an anime full of conspiracy, betrayal and tragedy…
Btw, Darkmirage, I think it’s confirmed that Lelouch is in fact, dead. It was stated in the official guidebook, well.. you might already know this by now though… But if somehow the production team want to go on making a new series out of geass.. it wouldn’t surprise me if they revive Lelouch…
Anyway, i’m gonna say this again, teh anime was fuckin awesome, i actually loved the ending, though it still left an unpleasant feeling of emptiness though… but all in all bloody awesome!!
i like the r1 anf r2 up until turn 13…shirly!!!
neways the rts strategy between shmishizel and lelouch is wicked and the battle is kool :D. couldnt read the show but the team took the charm code geass held in r1 and twisted it into a rushed action fest
as for lelouch dieing, hes alive, there should be some type and continuation and yeah, charles would make lelouch suffer in shmizel’s world simply because in his mind, nothing is worse than letting reality takes its course thus hell on earth
neways if u think happy endings are bad then ur being hypocritic
unlike american shows japenses shows are the opposite and it was quite surprising to see a happy ending :D
sad ending….yugioh,death note sonic x and the list goes on….
lol one last point… can such smart ppl(todou, kallen,tamaki,etc) fall for lelouch’s convuluted plan, second to just turn on him and take the nuclear way out. the writers think were dumb.
p.s. kallen seems rather like suzaku since she knew lelouch was a good guy and having being told epr2 that she wasnt a pawn. the writers gave up on this story after lelouch used his touch board knightmare thingy :S
pps kallen is really weakminded to just abandon lelouch in r1 when she found out he was zero shes smart and all…but not strong or loyal :S
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I agree… Lelouch did not died, he might have come immortal or he switch someone on his place with the power of his geass. Remember that in the first episodes of R2 Lelouch’s servant disguised herself as him. Therefore I agree, also in the last scene of episode 25… you should watch over and over… The author of Code Geass makes the guy to suspicious. The Writer of Geass meant to said that the Lelouch that everyone knew is now dead to them, “Lelouch is dead-but-alive…†Think about it, he didn’t died!
I also agree that Death Note and Code Geass are both very similar. Both main characters are determine to make a better world, both characters also have supernatural powers which they put in use to fulfill their main goal. And also the ending of both series are very similar, but I believe that Lelouch did not die.
It’s been awhile. I recently wrote a letter to the Code Geass Director about the idea of creating a novel that would be based on his original ideas for Code Geass R2, where, in the original plot, Lelouch defeats Suzaku at the ruins near the thought elevator in Stage 25.
There a rumors that there might be a third season in the works for Code Geass, but from 2ch. I would be very surprised if they did another Code Geass series that follows the current R2 version, since the staff did not like that experience at all. If they did, my initial speculation is as follows:
1. The series takes place from where R2 had left off in the near future with a different character(possibly Rai), which is a very strong possiblilty.
2. An alternate series that was based on the original plans for R2, but with a different storyline that would not overlap with the current R2 version.
3. A prequel that would feature Charles, Marianne, and Bismark.
Personally, I would rather see a novel created first so that the anime could follow that storyline. I never liked Zero’s Requiem because I felt that it was nothing more than a generic plot to kill off the series, due the staff negative experience of producing the second season. It was on the assumption that the series would not get another season to being with after that. All of the initial plot to the second season fizzled out, one after the other due to problems caused by the executive staff over the changes of the plot to suit an audience who have largely aready seen the first season at late night. Thus the changes to suit this new audience was an insult to their intelligence.
I my honest opinion, I feel that whatever was to have been the focal point of the second season wasn’t Zero’s Requiem.
I doesn’t hurt to write to Taniguchi, Director of the series with your comments. Every bit helps. Here is the address if you want to write to the following:
GorÅ Taniguchi: Director
IchirÅ ÅŒkouchi: Screen Writer
Make sure you address their name as follows:
GorÅ Taniguchi
c/o Sunrise Inc.
2-44-10 Kami-igusa
Tokyo, Japan 167-0023
Let me know of your thoughts about my opinions.
i haven’t seen the ending but im sure it will be awesome. kris out
I loved Code Geass. However, the second season wasn’t as good as the first season. After reading about the changes that they had to make on the Code Geass R2, I felt cheated. I would like to see that version of Code Geass, if the rumors about it being scrapped for the version we saw.
The Lelouch-is-alive theories are not 100% convincing, but they did their job.
However, still, Lelouch is better off dead.
He killed way too many people to get what he wants (even though people benefits from it), so it wouldn’t be fair if he’s still alive. He said it himself…something among the lines of “Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot.”
Ughhh. Too much idealities of world recreation. Woot. This anime had ended, and it was goooood. Utterly awesome.
PS. Lol. The ORANGE joke ,which Lelouch made at the last moment, actually became serious for Jeremiah. HAHA. Still laughing xD
Ok ORANGE joke lol.
Lelouch is still alive… Beacuse in the first season C.C. was talking to Lady Marian and Charles. in The thought elevator Thats where Lelouch is. I thought that through i had to watch the series twice to come up with that conclusion.
Did anyone know that Code Geass season 3 has been announced?
there’s a popup, but ignore it. :P season 3! maybe kallen still has a chance with lelouch!
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Dead Lelouch is dead. It even says on the Code Geass deceased list: Lelouch. Take my and their word for it.
TRUST KAWORU NAGISA. Cause, you know, Kaworu’s dead and stuff. Like Lelouch. Hehe.. he. >_>
According to the Code Geass light novels that were published by Bandai and considered to be canon, Lelouch is indeed dead.
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