For some inexplicable reason, plamo maker Aoshima is releasing a series of itasha scaled models. I really don’t understand the logic behind this. This meta-merchandising is about as relevant as writing a blog about people blogging. But I guess some people do that too.
Picture stolen from Hobby Blog (possible stolen from elsewhere)
I can see the appeal of covering your real car with decals of your favourite anime goddess, and I can see the appeal of building plastic models. But good things aren’t always better when mixed together, like ice-cream and curry. Also, that thing is covered with way too many decals. I think just having one decal on the front hood would’ve been in better taste. More pictures here.
[ Source: Hobby Blog via Kotaku ]
It seems that some business executives are trying too hard to bring in otaku money. Just two days ago, reports surfaced that there’s a (unconfirmed) plan to start off this year’s Kouhaku Uta Gassen with an akiba-kei performance by AKB48, Shouko Nakagawa (famous girl gamer cum cosplay idol often seen promoting new games) and Leah Dizon.
I’m still trying to figure out why Leah Dizon is in there. For Haruhi’s sake, NHK! At least find some decent singers if you’re aiming for the otaku-friendly image. Like KOTOKO or Yui Horie. Jeez.
Well there are people blogging about people blogging :D
The real man that watch shuffle! is an example :D
Leah Dizon is there? What the…..
I wish they would bring in BeForU (Riyu and co’s girlband) and yeah, KOTOKO and maybe High And Mighty Color. These executives aren’t very intelligent, they thought that otakus are desperate porn hunters looking for pre-teen girls with short skirts and low cut blouses, sei-fuku style.
At least it is unconfirmed. It would be good to see Aya Hirano there though.
And what the hell is AKB48 doing there??? They don’t generate even half a fluid ounce of moe.
What’s wrong with ice-cream and curry? Both are emulsions.
Ice cream is usually sweet. Curry is spicy. According to culinary experts, these two tastes don’t mix.
I have never tasted a curry flavoured ice-cream before. How does it taste like?
well I tasted a dark Chocolate with chili inside it wasn’t bad actually.
Hi, googled JLPT and saw ur entry that u passed Level 1 this year. I’m gonna take it in 5 days’ time, Level 1 too, and failure is a sure thing :(
Amazing you passed, I tracked that only abt 1/3 of the applicants pass Level 1 this year. How did you manage? Especially your listening score is simply amazing!
I’m 100% sure that some will buy this product, either he will be some one who is obsessed with cars or anime goddesses. Or maybe they are targetting both audiences
>>>Especially your listening score is simply amazing!
You think he plays all that eroge and watches all that anime for fun?!
Having fun while practicing Japanese is the best way to learn.
@ PCGamer
That sounds disgusting. I had a bad experience by mistaking wasabi with green tea ice-cream. No ice-cream for me, thank you, even if it is the best excuse to share food with a really pretty girl.
@quen & Beowulf
His idea of fun is playing eroge??
Heh you haven’t tried strawberry ice-cream on oyster shells cooking over a steamboat have you? It tasted.. sick. =/
The Moehaku 2010 has lots of itasha