That’s the truth and you know it.
Well she certainly sings better than me, but so does most of the entire population of this planet! I will be lying if I say that I don’t like “God knows…”, but I think Aya’s over-hyped popularity comes almost entirely from her role as Haruhi.
So anyway, Aya’s 3rd Single “Asu no Prism” went on sale today and the first pressing sold out in a matter of seconds with people queuing overnight, selling their first borns and whatever not for a copy of more mediocre music from a cute-looking girl. Surprise, surprise.

Image from Akiba-blog
After listening to the song, I can safely say that I do not regret not having pre-ordered it, neither do I intend on ever buying it except maybe from a second hand store for 200 yen the next time I’m in Japan.
Seriously, if it wasn’t Aya Hirano I think no one would’ve cared for a song like “Asu no Prism” at all. It’s the kind of song that grows on you after a while, but really, it’s nothing special. It makes me wonder how long Aya Hirano’s fame will last once Haruhi is all but forgotten.
Okay, I think I should stop provoking the Hirano fanboys out there. You can get the torrent for the single and listen to it for yourself.