Meh. It’s an okay episode. Slightly less interesting than playing Macross Ace Frontier, but definitely better than watching paint dry. If I have to rank this episode on the scale of one to five, it’s a koala bear. It’s cute and all, but no one goes to the zoo just to see a bunch of tree-hugging furbags.
In a love comedy, this is the part she wakes up and jumps his bone
Before colours were invented in the 50s, the world was black and white, and traffic accidents were rife. A young boy by the name of Subject E-0057 met a little girl in a secret research facility in space and became a man. The little girl was actually lying stark naked in a glass box, but the flashback had to be edited due to the will of a mysterious group of superhumans known only as The Censors.
This show glorifies terrorism
Marina wants to return to Azadistan so that she may once again be captured by the Federation and relive the blissful days of solitary confinement and interrogation that were rudely disrupted by Setsuna. Oh that silly girl.
Her arms are way too thin, and omg his pose looks familiar!
Grace is confused about her feelings for a complete stranger who looks exactly like the person of her nightly fantasies. In reality, Lockon is really the same person because Sunrise reuses the same animation and voice-acting. It’s like if God created two people with the same DNA sequence, they would really be the same person! Either that or maternal twins. Yeah.
People with funny haircuts get promoted a lot in A-LOLS
A-LOLS has a new overly-confident asshole wasting precious airtime. It’s unlikely that his character will be developed in any meaningful manner before he dies with the standard-issue Surprised Lookâ„¢ as his ship gets vaporized into a pink cloud of Clefairy dust.
Some kind of underwater mating ritual
The new guy sets a rather clever trap for Ptolemaios which basically involves attacking them with a new top-secret mobile lobster and a lot of mysterious fluids. Sumeragi sees through his brilliant plan and responds with the superior tactic of doing nothing. Tieria and Setsuna are the ones who actually save the day. Hurray.
“Hai, watashi no namae wa bushido desu. Kawaii~! Sugoi~!“
Graham is basically a weeabo otaku now. He wears that pseudo-Orient getup, pilots a mobile suit with the clichéd kabuto motif, and makes people call him “Mr. Bushido”. I’m guessing he attends Anime Expo too. He’s probably going to die by seppuku.
The Katagiri family has a proud ponytail tradition
And Billy joins his uncle in the dark side to take revenge on Sumeragi for using him like the tool he is. How unexpected.
Louise heads down to Earth
Saji is the enemy
‘Tis the time for angst
No longer loli
Marie prays, ‘Allelujah
Magical brain waves
Marina Ismail
Ruler of Azadistan
Into younger boys
Grace is sad kitty
Lockon dies in explosion
A replacement cometh
Sumeragi leaves
Katagiri, mad scientist
Will make new mecha
Mister Bushido
White Caucasian male with mask
Gay for Setsuna
Gundam Double O
Twice the pairings four times fun
Fan fiction galore
“WTF who cut me into pieces?”
“Is my role in this series meaningful?”
“I knew I should’ve auditioned for Marimite instead”
Alcohol: the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems
She’s pregnant
The head is rather fugly
The foreground and background have vastly different animation budgets
The cougar prowls
“I bought this limited edition helmet at Comic-Con”
It’s not pink! This is unacceptable
First fan service of the season?
Aeolia Schenberg has invented the solar furnace. Gundam 00 will soon be reality.
On an unrelated note, I think Jenna Fischer is the girl of my dream. <3
Sumeragi is the only decent looking female on the show. That loli girl in yellow with the two drills ruins everything.
One good thing about G00 is the close to complete lack of teenage romance.
Yeah it came out, that makes my day~~!! Thnx DarkMirage
currently the only better thing to the short fight in this episode was the 1-size-too-small uniform (note the pants part is also too small haha)
another thing, anyone notice the animation error with Soma’s Ahead in the screencap?
who designs lobsters to fight battleships, o.o? billy is now darth vader, man he’s gonna make a mobile suit with a cape and force powers.
It’s only the 4th episode but I already sense some strong underdevelopment of characters like Louise, Liu Mei and Neena…
PS.: Anybody knows anything what about upcomming Gundam’s 30 years anniversary? I heard about some “special secret gundam project” :D
Are you talking about the gun?
Let’s see what we have.
Lyle is a spy for Kataron in CB.
They so trust him. He so easily can leak information to Kataron.
Lyle is worse at shooting than his brother Neil and he doesn’t like it.
In his first mission as a newbie he was good.
The only thing which loves him is Haro. So at least Lyle isn’t lonely.
Kati is a spy in A-LOLS.
Her first mission was a failure, but a planned one by A-LOLS. So why on earth captain Goodman scolded her and even gives her a “teacher”. It seems that A-LOLS doesn’t trust Kati. Then I have the other question why A-LOLS invited her. It’s because Kati in their plans should be just a face who will be guilt for every their planned and not planned failure. The most interesting thing is if A-LOLS wanted someone who truelly would be able to deafete gundams, Sumeragi they would invite Sergei(HRL attack on CB, Thrones, the last battle in space in season one).
I would like to know how A-LOLs chooses their comrades.
Strange thing – I want too see more captain Goodman.
I’m so glad to see Ali in the preview.
Episode 4 fast facts:
1. Louise donated her inherited wealth to the A-LAWS.
2. Soma/Marie is either Jewish or Christian.
3. Shirin left Azadistan because she’s tired of a queen who does nothing except watch TV.
4. Yes, Graham is now a full-fledged otaku! His favorite hobby is cosplaying.
5. Sumeragi doesn’t wear panties!
6. “Hell hath no fury like Billy scorned.”
7. Haro’s are only good at gossiping.
8. Feldt Grace will be waiting inside Lyle’s room next episode.
I kinda miss the teenage romance from SEED, to be honest. I think G00 is fine without it but it could use some spice.
This episode was an example of too much buildup and too little action. I somehow think that people at Sunrise are a bunch of sadists who want to make anime fans suffer from a lack of action. Heck, I could use a little more of Double 0’s GN particles repelling stunt, some more tag team action like in ep03 and more swimsuits…
Here’s my prediction…they are going to find a new solar furnace for Saji! (Ok, I want Saji to fight Louise in a Gundam)
Oh, and anyone thinks that the fan service is going to come in a big way? It usually doesn’t take long for the fan service to arrive…
P.S. They misspell Sonar. Notice the scene where they first detected the 6 torpedoes.
I think this qualifies more as a GN-drive equivalent.
Mr.Bushido WTF!!! that is lame Sunrise/Bandia come on you can do better than that I can understan something like Samuri or Ronin or something along those lines but MR.bushido come on!!! At least next ep Ali returns in his Throne Zwei MK.2
Speaking of Mr. Bullshit-O, Graham CRaker looks like an imitation of Mr. Karate from SNK Vs Capcom with that stupid outfit.
So your train of thoughts is on haiku tracks now? Had any poetry tests lately (?) because that would explain a lot…
“Gay for Setsuna” XD That last line just nailed it for me today…
Btw, it’s confirmed. Hallelujah (Hametsu no Allelujah) is dead. So in the last episode of S1 he wasn’t just “going on ahead” as in going offline – he was going for good and, as it so happens, the other half just failed to follow because he suddenly had one of those newtype foreshadowing vibes about how integral to the plot he’s going to be.
Needs more Louise
Why is it that in all animes the main characters never admit, publicly, that they are in love? Are they reverting to the same Gundam Wing, semi-romantic relationship thing, again? All in all, i think this episode was fun. Like Koala bears, lol.
————————> One last question, never mind, let me make them two. What would we do if Setsuna dumps Marina and goes for “Mr. Bushido”???? And, finally, Is this blog affected by the Economic Crisis? lol.
I like how Graham, I mean ‘Mr. Bushido’, immediately figures out Setsuna is piloting 00 just from clashing blades like twice. What a vivid observer.
Besides, wouldn’t 00’s swords be wielded differently than the giant blade that Exia used? Lol, silly Sunrise.
Your haikus were amazing. I wish you made one for Anime Sarah Palin. That being the prowling cougar Colonel Mannequin lady.
YEah is back i was crying without visiting this pages (No just kidding). I was waiting for these review i know you will comment about how Mr. bushido sound weird lol. Thanks i enjoy to read this.
Hey whoever said mr. bushito Aka Mr. bullshill lol thats a good names.
guessing that sumeragi is going to die by alcohol poisoning….soon
and Mr. bullshitto needs to get a better mask….like a paper bag to hide his current ugly mask..
however i do wonder why only his mouth is not covered and the rest of his face is..(guessing that his face got messed up when setsuna broke his flag)
sumeragi bounced when torpedos hit the ship.
haro was cute when he rolled on the floor following lockon-II.
white-haired guy’s voice was funny when he saw 00 rushing towards them. “ehh!”
so allelujah’s no longer a super soldier?
ramius versus sumeragi — who’s hotter? didn’t DM say he watched seed for the girls?
I seem to be in the bottom of the Posting Cycle….. Damn, it…. It’s my Belizean Heritage. We are born to be late. We were first only once, we had an economic crisis way before US. lol. What was i supposed to talk about? It starts with a G and ends with a 00… Generous Donations: 00? Well, anywho. I’m still tipsy from dreaming too much, and from watching paint dry….
Everyone….and I mean everyone was waiting for the grand “Graham” entrance back into season 2. And all we get is Mr. Bushido!?!! WTH name is that!?
They totally ruined our beloved Char-to-be in the 00 series. Is like they can’t figure out what to do with him, he has no story going for him… Even Soma has more development than Mr. B. This is truly a letdown for the fans. And WTH with his weird Black Tri-Star helmet??? It just doesn’t suit him. He is from USA, not japan, when did he turn into a samurai guy? Just doesn’t freaking make any sense.
I really and I mean REALLY hoping they don’t continue to drop the ball on this series, it has so much potential.
So. I presume that allulejah can all go soft now eh?Thats plain boring…
what is with the haikus? (this may be sent to the haiku-o-meter or whatever of smalltime industries, anyway)
oh dear, a cosplaying badguy, and two cosplaying mobile suits, now i’ve seen everything,
and why is grahams wielding a beam katana? contrary to popular belief, samurai swords are not the best swords in the world
btw graham isn’t gay for setsuna he’s gay for the gundams, which just goes to a whole new world of disturbing
It seems like everybody’s taking shots at making fun of Mr. Bullshit-O
Okay. Mr. Bushido is so weird.
Anyways, I am in a crisis here. I watched both Nyorosubs and shinsen-subs since I wanted a .avi file and Nyoro doesn’t have any.
Anyways, in Nyoro, Setsuna says “that stubborn guy again?” when fighting Mr. Bushido.
However, in Shinsen, he says “he’s tough!”
I was arguing with my friend that Setsuna knows who Mr. Bushido is, but now that I just saw shinsen, I have no clue… I’m so confused :(
who’s right and who’s wrong?
Also, is it me or does Nyoro subs mkv file sometimes doesn’t allow subs to appear? Like when Allelujah remembers the incident right before the opening song, the thing he says in the end doesn’t appear. All it said was “That was when she literally..” and nothing else pops up.
In Shinsen, it says that that was his baptism.
Gah, so annoying! >:( Why do all subtitles have to be different? Which one is more to be trusted?
Nyoro subs is actually a load of crap here check out this link and u will understand why:
and what that link said is absolutley true, turst me ive watched that particular episode by nyoro subs..
That solar furnace link was badass. Imagine putting a person in the way of it…
Roast human, anyone? Given there is any human left after the exposure…
Speaking of crazy anime inventions, what has the world come to?
Make that metal and give it a fuel source and you have our new WMDs…
How the hell did Graham manage to not get crushed by Setsuna from the first swing? If the squared output of two GN drives means at least 4 times the output, he should not have had any kind of chance. Skill can only do so much.
To DarkMirage
Overuse of such comments like WTF, over-cyclincal words like LOL(i) has made fans twist their personal mindset like Graham (the longform of letter 3 in WTF)er= Graham (You-know-what)er and even worst:
Mister Bushido
White Caucasian male with mask
Gay for Setsuna
equals to
Mister Baka-do
White angmoh gila with mask
Gay for Setsuna
(All non singapore standard english words are a result of my freinds)
Close the “friends”… all singaporeans have a singlish signature… On a sidenote, bushido=bushy-do
Pingback: Gundam 00 S2 - 04 | Gundam Goraku
Aww, the young bridgebunny got rejected. Nice dude.
you mean,
Mister Bullshito!?
Why are so many complaining about “Mr. Bushido”? Yeah it sounds lame, but hey, it’s the only good excuse for his weird outfit.
curses. why can’t I be a wonderful poet?
Mister Bullshitto is another alias to Mister KAWAII KAWAII NEKO-CHAN
Somewhat. Even Mister Drool-seetoh or to the extent of LOL-shitdo. An extreme case is AHHOCK (AnotHerHotOlfactoryCheatKaypoh)… a rather dumb reference to Char Aznable Clones (CZC=CZK=Czech Koruna)…
Of all the names they could have given Graham they went with “Mr. Bushido”? Really Sunrise? You’ve got that Janitor writing for you again haven’t you. God dammit.
Critics complain that the villains or Char incarnations in Gundam shows have unrealistically weird costume or headgear. Now, Sunrise finally found a good excuse for Graham’s absurd get-up. He’s an otaku cosplayer! Isn’t that brilliant? XD
Macross Ace Frontier has some sick EX mission… I digress, it still doesn’t make sense to have Mr Blondy here to become an otaku. Is Sunrise running out of ideas?
Watching Arios in this ep it seems either: 1)Trans-am can be deactivated mid-cycle (guess that come in useful) 2)Arios’s Trans-am only lasts for about 5 seconds at most (damaged solar furnace or something?) or 3)maybe activation time is severely decreased underwater….? Hopefully its the first explanation… then again why would he stop trans am right BEFORE going into battle and get his @$$ kicked by Soma (or does he secretly like getting shot by her…?)
Why do i enjoy overanalysing fictional technology…?
This pointless bit of text was brought to you by a guy who found no better way to get it out of his system…
I’d like to back the first one, but then they’d have to explain why they didn’t just shut off Trans-Am before their solar furnaces were depleted and they had to run on low-power those few times it happened in Season 1. That way it’s simply an extra boost item rather than a double edged sword which bounces back and slashes you in the shoulder.
;/ Really though, who knows?
I would assume that Trans-AM isn’t really necessary as of yet. Despite having used it 5 years prior, the actual ability isn’t pure knowledge to the A-LAWS because they had no idea how Selavee was moving the Trilobyte. So Arios probably used Trans-AM strictly for a fast-break attack on the A-LAWS ships while the state wasn’t visible.
And yes Trans-AM probably can be turned off because Setsuna turned it off after his fight against Alejandro without using too many of the particles.
As for whether it can be turned on and off consistently, I hope yes, but for the sake of there being a weakness to the gundams…probably not. Otherwise they could simply turn it on to zoom to an area within the enemies’ blindzones, turn it off to save particles, and fire.
lol i agree with ur last statement, but i still enjoy the pointless analysis for some reason xD. Doubt theyll explain it… guess ill just assume that it took them longer to get to the surface, and their full ascent time just wasnt shown… guess Sumeragi thought thought the extra speed was worth using up trans am for… almost was too… but it didnt seem like the carrier had a comm line with the mecha lobster, seeing as they had no idea it got owned so… yeah, shutting up now… xD
neway… ep 5 out! YAY!
yayyy fanservice!!!