This episode explains the entire basis for Geass: It’s actually a typo for “gears”. Show’s over guys, we can all go home now. Jokes aside, this episode is like one of those Evangelion episodes where the Angels take a break from world destruction and the main characters just talk and emo. It’s more interesting than it sounds, but only if you happen to care more about the life stories of a bunch of faux British chaps than giant robots engaging in asexual intercourse.
Spoiler alert.
Underground breeze
Geass is like a game of tag that lasts for eternity until you catch someone else. When a person masters his Geass, he is able to kill the one who gave him the power and gain eternal life himself. However, living forever is apparently a very painful thing, so those who gain eternal life then proceed to trick other people into mastering Geass so that they may be freed from an eternity of solitude.
Lelouch is a paedophile
Back when C.C. was young, she was a sex slave. One day, she escaped from the brothel and was taken in by a nun. The nun gave her the Geass power to charm anyone, thus granting her unlimited sexual power. She used this to great effect and became a very popular whore. At the peak of C.C.’s power, the nun revealed her real plan and made C.C. kill her, cursing C.C. to live forever.
Secondary entry point for reproductive organ is located at this position
C.C.’s original plan was thus to trick Lelouch into killing her. Unfortunately, she seems to have fallen in love with him and can’t bear to hurt him. Because of her Geass power, she had never known true love until now. Awww. Sho shweet.
Adult relationships are so complicated
Also, Viletta meets Ougi again but can’t decide whether to kill him or to make mad love.
C.C. has discarded her tsuntsun self and become a teredere young and innocent girl. This is rather disturbing, but will likely provide hours of fanservice and love comedy situations for the rest of the series. Awesome.
“Chiiii? Hideki!”
Also, I don’t see what’s so awful about living forever. Seriously, C.C. should try getting a real hobby beyond eating pizzas. It’s only been a few hundred years since she gained eternal life, which is way too short in my opinion for one to be truly sick of living, unless of course his/her sole pastimes are eating and sleeping.
C.C. has no sense of aesthetics
People don’t enjoy living because they may die one day, they enjoy living because there are things to do and goals to achieve.
“Your puny Geass is no match for my thick and curly mane”
C.C.’s motivations in life are now pretty clear, but Charles is still mostly shrouded in uncertainties. I still don’t understand what he plans to do with Lelouch and Nunnally and why he let Marianna die. Is he a misunderstood self-sacrificing philanthropist doing everything for some greater good, or will he turn out to be a generic supervillain trying to take over the world just for the lulz?
“Guys, we need a bigger body bag”
The King is dead! Long live the King!
He likes it
Is Kallen ever going to be the heroine again? :(
He dresses like a pimp and now he acts like one too
So what was V.V.’s Geass and how did he master it so young?
“Why did you save me?”
“I am a voyeur”
The power of Gears
Is she going to do anything soon?
One of those should’ve been Rollo…
There will be C.C. x Charles doujinshi
So can someone tell me how C.C.’s hair colour turned green?
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