Poor Lelouch has lost his sole purpose in life, rejected by his loli sister whom he secretly lusts for. But it’s all right because he manages to find a new one by the end of the episode. Hurray!
Nunnally uses her inauguration ceremony to declare her intention to recreate the Japan Special Administrative Region, apparently without having previously consulted anyone else. Rich Britannian nobilities who gather to fawn and have a spot of tea are unpleasantly surprised, and monocles start to fly.
Lolicon alert
Japanese folks and the Black Knights don’t trust Nunnally because everyone remembers what happened the last time a young princess tried something similar.
Pizza Hut, it’s been a while
Lelouch is in a state of despair and turns to drugs. Kallen tries to snap him out of it, and gets raped for it. (Almost.) I think she would’ve been unable to resist if he had been wearing his mask.
Don’t do drugs
Kallen with her hair down <3
“I need some comforting…”
Oh wtf
Although they do not know what is wrong with Lelouch, the student council gang decides to cheer him up with a firework display. Lelouch is reminded of what is truly important in life, etc. and regains the will to fight! (Sort of.)
This is like that scene from Star Wars except those four aren’t dead
In the meantime, Britannia Navy has surrounded the cargo ship that conceals the Black Knight’s submarine. Oh no! Will Zero appear in time to save the day again? (Yes.)
“I am Ironman”
I shall not go into details about the battle. It’s probably the most exciting part of the episode, although it’s not that great either.
Sorry for this boring post. I am not particularly compelled by this episode to say much. It’s not a bad episode per se, but it’s not particularly interesting either. The ending is sort of a twist, but other than that the whole episode is quite predictable. It’s a necessary set-up for the story to move on, I guess.
Judging by the preview, I think the next episode ought to give a greater kick.
More product placement
What does that gesture mean?
Haven’t we seen her before somewhere?
Zero rejected her call :(
Zero’s concubines
Biological weapon
Elevens are prohibited from wearing bright colours
“Work those bodies, guys!”
Lelouch is tsundere
Paper maps are cool but make little sense
C.C. is smiling o_o
I am pretty sure that his costume was on the ship that sank…
Why does methane hydrate produce foam when combusted?
Oh right…the costume. Speaking of which, I wonder who undressed him.
I just noticed that the animation has changed quite a bit since last season. Especially the eyes.
Damn, 2nd….
I would’ve never noticed the costume thing if you hadn’t mentioned so.
The episode was decent enough; the whole “OMG WE ALL CARE ABOUT YOU LELOU” scene was ridiculous, but at least we got to see Lelouch’s three who- lady friends together in some kind of alliance thingy. Foursome?
Where the hell did Lelouch find a paper map of that particular region anyway? And second if he broke his phone and no one is able to contact him without his phone, how did he knew the black knights were in trouble?
OMG, those useless “First!!”, “second!” comments deserve DEATH. I’m sure you love the fanboys, DM, but it’s gotta annoy you >_>.
Btw, I thought the episode offered a nice change of pace. You rarely see the heroes (villain?) losing their resolve like that… It was pretty funny seeing Lelouch all depressed xD. Too bad it lasted only one episode, though.
@Rob… yeah, LOTS of plotholes in this show.. just try to “enjoy” them somehow
@ Rob, He’s Zero. The closest thing to god, right under Haruhi. The show is meant to be enjoyed with a little less logical thinking.
But you do have a point. Just throw it out the window.
On other thoughts, Rolo might have been tracking Suzaku.
Hmm, actually quite enjoyed this episode – well, yep, highly predictable, but I thought the Kallen-Lelouch scene was quite nicely executed (they seem to be playing up the romance / harem aspect o_o) and we haven’t had a successful Zero-saving-the-day scene in a while, so Geass being Geass it had to happen some time, and it wasn’t that bad… quite liking submarine warfare as it at least takes super-Suzaku out of the equation.
Anyone have any thoughts on what happens next? The episode preview really isn’t altogether that indicative…
The methane hydrate thing was kind of lame, at first I was wondering why he was blowing up this random tank in the middle of the ocean, thinking it was some secret Britannian base or something… whoops >_>
Kaguya creating a harem was kind of >_> too.
@ RR & Everlasting… I know, when it comes to a show like this you just gotta watch it without thinking of what doesn’t make sense. It just ruins the show for you. I’m aware of that.
Besides the many plotholes that plague this show, there is only one thing that I find strange about this show. The Black Knights are stupid. Are you telling me that NO ONE in the Black Knights can do anything WITHOUT the help of Zero? I mean you have so many people in that submarine, and not one of them could come up with a decent plan of escape. Hell, they even had a scientist on board, and you’re telling me as smart as she is she couldn’t come with a plan. I have never seen a group that relies so heavily on their leader.
I don’t think it is foam from the methane hydrate, it is from bubbling the seawater, which has alot of impurities in it. Same as the foam formed on the seawater when waves and tides turn.
I wish Kallen would just give herself up to Lelouch. That would be something quite fun to see……though I would prefer if Lelouch uses his Geass on her and do it just once. xD
P.S Shirin left Marina to work for Nunnally because Sunrise couldn’t find a lady-in-waiting with an evil enough look for the new governess.
Oh MY Lelouch wants a kiss from kallen but aww… he just doesn’t
have one but instaead a SLAP more aww….
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@ ryuko – think it’s technically the methane trapped below the methane hydrate sediments which is actually giving rise to the bubbles?
Oh, wait, what am I doing, Geass is a series about giant floating mechanical suits and psionic powers… think the chemistry of the bubble attack should be the least of any scientific concerns.
Zero wasn’t combusting the gas. He was blasting the earth away to release natural deposits of offshore gas. The underwater mechanism shown is probably a gas mining system set in place to harvest the gas.
By releasing massive amounts of gas, enormous amounts of bubbles float to the surface forming huge foams. Massive amounts of bubbles can sway the ships from side to side, and reduce water surface tension thus rendering the ships useless.
“I wish Kallen would just give herself up to Lelouch. That would be something quite fun to see……though I would prefer if Lelouch uses his Geass on her and do it just once. xD”
He already used his Geass on her. That’s when he found out he could only use it once per person. Fairly good episode, I loved the power trip scene where he made the Elevens howl/squat/do pressups/etc. Made me laugh. I’d have done something like that as one of the first things if I got Lelouch’s geass.
“Anyone have any thoughts on what happens next? The episode preview really isn’t altogether that indicative…”
Viletta fanservice, introduction of another chinese federation character (female), Black Knights pulling a double cross with a smokescreen (to kidnap Nunnally? Suzaku looks fairly perturbed when issuing orders). Oh, and Rolo and Lelouch play chess with each other. Zino looks pretty pissed off as well, so possible Suzaku comforting him in proper Yaoi style?
The Rolo x Lelouch scene is sick -_-
Love the starting scene of the show,i cant get enough of
“All Hail Brittania”s or “Yes My Lord” and “Yes your highness!”es!!!!
“Why does methane hydrate produce foam when combusted?”
Good question, really. It should’ve exploded in flames, right?
Good change of pace this episode, Emperor Charlie’s still a social Darwinist bastard, Kaguya’s open minded-I like it!
To clear things up, the capsized ships and sinking aquatic Knightmares are due to lowered water density due to the escaped gas (happened in Lake Michigan a few times and sank container ships on clear days!), and methane hydrate becomes gas at sea level, even if its solid on the ocean floor (a difficulty in mining it in the real world, as if crumbles and floats up). Plus, methane isn’t that flammable, you’d need an open flame to ignite it.
@ biltwick: Now it all makes sense. Phew. It was hard seeing what was going on in that scene. And I might add, about the Zero-costume, we’ve seen both C.C. and Lelouche dress up as Zero at the same time in season one, so there’s no problem with Lelouche showing up as Zero now either. So, basically no plot holes here, or maybe just a few…lol.
Good episode though, even if it’s about laying the pavement for stuff in the future (with Zero not so fixated with his lolisister). Again, GO Rolo! ^o^ After all Britannia is en evil empire that needs to be pwned!
btw: Zero the drug addict should become a spin-off series. rofl
“Methane hydrates are believed to form by migration of gas from depth along geological faults, followed by precipitation, or crystallization, on contact of the rising gas stream with cold sea water.” – from Wikipedia.
and: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane_clathrate#Hydrates_in_natural_gas_processing
i guess “blocked pipes” implies something sticky? foam/bubbles?
anyway, was that Yuffie in the episode 8 preview?
Yeah, Lelouch’s closet’s full of Zero costumes. It’s totally the new trend xD
I think they rushed the whole emo-Lulu thing but hey, at least we can get back to some plot-related stuff.
Oh god, just stumbled upon a CG doujinshi, Code Geass – Code Eross.. It’s mainly the usual stuff, but some parts.. ROFLed hard XD They should really incorporate some of the stuff from there:
(probably NSFW, depends where you work)
“I AM NOT ZERO! MY NAME IS.. ERO!” <- that’s the path this show should take ;3
BTW, the dramatic pose that Lelou did at the end of the ep.. I think that’s what he’s been *really* emoing about – he didn’t get to do a nice pose in the previous episode (not that Nunnully would appreciate it, being blind and all.. but it’s still nice to do dramatic poses… no?).
I have to agree that this episode wasn’t overly impressive… never been one for too much self pity in anime. I’m just confused, surely they know that the gold knightmare frame Zero was riding in on belongs to Rolo!?
Ah the wonder of plot wholes, still nothing a compacting of the whole series into three bite size episodes will not cure along with rewrites and new animation a-la Gundam Seed style, can’t fix!!
That’s creepy…I’m choosing not to read past page 5, as I know what shall happen…
Lelouch was so random telling those guys to dance and howl and stuff. Someone fantasizes too much…
I found it somewhat conincidental that a large enough…thing of methane hydrate was just in the right place for this attack. I still don’t get why methane hydrate would capsize all those ships…
I’m supposing that because the temperature in which methane hydrate is stable at is 18 degrees celsius, that the explosion of the torpedos caused the methane hydrate to become unstable, thus, creating some kind of bubbly stuff that somehow capsizes ships…
Watch this video Dark and tell me what you think :P
“Lolicon alert” hahahahaha another freak has been detected, anyway it was a “okey” episode just reminds me too much of R1.. they should have let clamp add some twists to the plot.. it better start getting epic.
Is it just me or is the Zero outfit making Lelouche’s ass look fat? O_o (last pic of him posing)…Or is that so no one will notice the difference between him and pizza woman C.C. as Zero?
Although biltwick explained it quite nicely already, it seems the methane clathrates are still confusing a number of people, so I will attempt to re-explain it.
– What are Methane Clathrates? –
Methane clathrates (or hydrates) can be thought of essentially as methane trapped in ice, compressed in the sea bed. They are surprisingly common. Due to this, they have been proposed as a source of hydrocarbons in the future, when oil reserves have been depleted (hence why Britannia is mining them).
– What do they do? –
If the methane is released, the bubbles of methane greatly reduce the local density of the water. Boats above that were previously buoyant suddenly fall like bricks. If there is enough gas, theoretically planes above may be affected as well. (Trivia: some people think engine noise destabilizing methane clathrates are the cause of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances)
– What happened? –
Zero ordered the Black Knights to fire upon the seabed near the mining machine, releasing the methane in the seabed (and presumably the reserves from the machine as well), causing the aquatic Knightmare Frames and ships to sink/capsize.
That said however, as Asha so eloquently put it: “Geass is a series about giant floating mechanical suits and psionic powers… think the chemistry of the bubble attack should be the least of any scientific concerns.”
lol if mas selamat has the skill and power of Zero then i’d think Singapore is in ruins right now.
the black-haired chinese swordsman looks like master hiko XIII from rurouni kenshin.
after browsing through some “gestures”, i foundout what the 13th image gesture by Milly is… the Bras d’Honneur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bras_d%27honneur , which kind makes sense, since it was Naepoleon who invaded England in Code Geass’ alternate history, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Geass:_Lelouch_of_the_Rebellion#Holy_Empire_of_Britannia
Attack of the kller bubbles and dramatic evil-doers! W00t!
Bro why are you even watching and writing a blog if you hate the show so much? You didn’t even mention the ending where Zero states he was joining his sister….