Oww. My head is spinning. I think I’ve been sleeping too much these days after coming back from Japan.
Episode 13 serves to conclude the Azadistan chapter, laying the way for the new OP/ED next episode.
Setsuna investigates the mountain area from which missiles were fired at the receiver antennas. He bumps into Graham and Billy and they have a little chat. Graham reveals that the mobile suit responsible was an AEU Enact that was stolen from PMC Trust.
Setsuna immediately figures out that Ali is the one responsible and asks Lockon to meet up with him at his old hometown. The two of them, along with Hong Long, manage to rescue Massoud Rachmadi. Exia brings Rachmadi to the royal palace, risking capture by the Union, in order to show the world that Celestial Being is serious about its beliefs.
“That’s what you get for paying me minimum wages!”
“ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu“
Mecha sechs
Chinese ninja
“Take me with you!”
Somehow this episode doesn’t motivate me to talk about it. I think it’s the lack of surprises.
@darkmirage: your standard practice perhaps, given your reputation.
@mitsuki: nice ASS.
Why Go PhAzEsHiFt? Be A Man Do The Right Thing^^ Show Your Name^^ Or Are You Scared We’ll Google you Up?
Ok Ill Be A Man And Tell You, Search Owned4Eva, Phazeshift, Gabriel Leung…..Any Of These Will Lead To Me ^^ SO Yeah I Am A Man. Now Its Your Turn, BE A MAN DO THE RIGHT THING ^^
Funny commentary section yay!!!!:>
I think they should kill of that Azadistan princess. In fact, they should never have put her in the first place. WTF >P
Virtue, I believe is kikass although they should make Nadleeh cooler.
Excia should have rollerblades or something because the pilot likes to spin alot with the mobile suit and also it is a high speed mobile suit so might as well make it have fast feet. I know it sounds kind of dumb so comment back on this.
Kyrios is messed up cause all its got is missiles gun and pincers in fact all the mobile suits except the sniper dude are definetly underarmed. ONLY SEVEN SWORDS!!!
And i am so happy that the gundams aren’t energy shortened. WTF SEED!! I watched the nyron version and nothing else so thanks DM!!!
Peter Road, I suppose you are a supporter of the SEED series, looking at your response. I have certainly have no comment on this.
Post #30:
Lol, Princess Bride quote. Great and Classic movie by the way. Didn’t know anybody else knew about it. Funniest part is nobody seemed to get it. Come on guys, learn your classic filmography.
wut kinda Gundam is dis?
well anywayz i like to watch Gundam seed..yup i do hehe