I just watched the trailer for the movie adaptation of Dead or Alive. It ain’t pretty.
Sure, DOA isn’t exactly the greatest game ever or anything, but I still have to pay my respect to yet another video game that has fallen victim to Hollywood idiocy. Click to see the rest of the screen caps.
General Advisory: May cause blindness.
WTF happened to Kasumi?
WTF is this one?
WTF are they using katana?
Kill Bill 3? WTF?
She’s no Japanese ninja! WTF?
Looking more and more like Kill Bill! WTF?
I warned you, didn’t I?
o_O wtf… they ain’t even hot.
OmFg!!!! I almost fell off of my chair when I looked at the pics and read the captions. I was laughing so hard, tears started streaming down, so I guess the maker of this thread was right bout me going blind, but I think that this movie would be worth it for the sheer horridity of it would be a laughing stock.
Σ(゚д゚lll)。。。。。。。。 ã†ãï¼ï¼ï¼ ã»ã‚“ãよï¼ï¼Ÿ
this more worst than i ever imagine !
Wow if they took a good video games series and turned it into this, I wonder what the Halo movie is going to look like? *shivers* …on the second thought, I dont wanna know…
So sad…
i..am left speechless.. (in a bad way of course)
Thought I would check up the site before I sleep…
I swear I cant sleep now(and even if I can I will have nightmares)..o_O
That was really scary…i shouldn’t have looked but if you like DoA you have to^^
What the hell did they do to Kasumi…the girls may be cute and all but they don’t fit to be playing the role of any girl from DoA…:(
It looks like they’re keeping the ‘game movies have to be bad, and not at all related to the game they came from’ tradition alive. :P This is like having Halo without SPARTANs, Warthogs, or guns. I never thought anyone would make Street Fighter: The Movie look good… but these guys are well on their way to doing so.
why do i have a feeling that this post is going to be your most popular post ?
Back to topic, yes those girls definately suck, and that’s from someone who hasn’t played the DOA games :).
Lol, nice comments, DM :D How can Team Ninja let them do this to their baby? But no matter how good looking the girls could have been, I still think Team Ninja should just make a CG movie our of their series instead of a “live action” movie.
OMFG! This is crap!! There’s not even all the chracters + there’s some other characters that aren’t even in the game. And they suck at picking actresses because all of them are all white girls only (NOT EVEN HOT)!!! Not like in the game!!! WTF happened to Lei Fang? They did not even put her in this thing! Why is Ayane a white girl ninja? She’s a Japanese Ninja, NOT WHITE! Just by looking at these screen shots, I coulds tell that this crap is bull shit!!!
That’s it. I’m going on a hunger strike. This is nothing short of a travesty.
What on EARTH makes them think fans will appreciate this (or do they even care)?
OMFG! This is simply retarded! I heard a lot about it and was really looking forward to it (I saw some screencaps from the place where everything was recorded)… but it looks…. simply… retarded! I have DOA3 and DOA U1&2 on my xbox – this is the most horrible hour in my life concearning the fact that in my opinion DOA rocked the boat (at least on the xbox).
I hope that the always money-hungry Team Ninja (Tecmo too) die and that their DOA4 will be their disaster. Hopefully they won’t make such a non-sense to their “other baby” – Ninja Gaiden.
Hey 「ã€,what’s this MortalKombat?
To be honest i actually WAS looking forward to the release of this movie having been a long fan of the games…but looking at these pics i am shocked and appauled. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!! they could of at least used japanese actors etc instead of making stupid little hollywood actresses look like their asian…it jus does not and never will work! i will be buyin doa4 for the xbox360 so thats good. but this film nt even worth seeing. sory for my ranting on btw lol. SHOCKED AND APPAULED!
I didn’t think the trailer was that bad. The action should be cool, and I think you all are just feeding off each other’s negativity. Some of these women are established actresses as well, and to make a MOVIE you have to have actresses, not pornstars as the dimensions of the game would require for true realism.
You guys are all fucking retards, burn in hell!!!!
Behold the intelligence of ninja4hire. Isn’t the web great?
That’s horrible!!They don’t look like the DOA-characters!And they have no b00bies.It’s like kill bill…wait, it isn’t like kill bill.Kill bill is cool, that is SCHEIßE!!!
OMG What happen 2 the chracters? @,×/$÷!
OMG! I just can’t wait till it comes out to get an EXTREMELY GOOD F******* Laugh!
OMG LOL Wow this makes me wish that halo wasen’t coming to movie :/
to *o*
i have seen the movie and all of the characters (including lei-fang) are in it. now with that said, the movie itself isn’t that great, but i also liked all of the games so i guess i’m a bit bias
Hey!! don’t be hateing on Halo – Weta are doing the CG for it, and Weta are http://www.fuckenawesome.com!!!
Lord of the rings, good
Kong, good
The frightners, good
Heavenly Creatures, good
The only way it could rule any harder is if Temuera “cook the man some fucken eggs” Morrison is the Master Cheif!!!
well infairness to the creator of the movie i think it rocks! and some of the characters are great and very sedductive like in the game..
WOW! Is this like the new Movie Deer Of Antler??!!
I surely see five animals with some horns-!
Wooo~~ this is something YOU WILL NEVER FIND IN “Dead Or Alive”!
Hey! guess what! they are both DOA!! Hahahaha
F**k this man, what are they trying to pull? God, this is worse than… No…. this is the Worst.
I just give only one words or comment :
I gotta agree. An American Ayane ?!
Devin Aoki is Kasumi!! LMFAO!!!!
CG all the way like that guy said, lol!!!!…..
OMG! this movie rox! i love Kasumi, Helena and Ayane. Ayane`s got cool hair.
i like all character…..